Mullingar Tennis Lessons
Our new programme at Mullingar Tennis and Badminton Club gives primary school kids, the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of Tennis giving them the base to be able to play Tennis now and throughout their lives. Taking place on Tuesdays we use a Progression system that encourages and rewards children's development at their own pace while playing with friends.
We can loan you a racket if you need one
Come along for a free go to see if you like it
Must be a member of Mullingar Tennis Club to participate
Tuesday afternoons
Starting 31st January
3-4pm: Junior and Senior Infants
4-5pm: 1st and 2nd Class
5-6pm: 3rd, 4th and 5th Class
Mullingar Tennis and Badminton Club
What do we do?
Teach the Fundamental Skills to play Tennis
Have your child able to play matches for their age
Create a desire to play Tennis in the future
Use a Progressive Pathway using a bronze, silver and gold system
Boys and girls from Junior Infants all the way up to 5th Class
How long?
8 Lesson term
€80 per child
Click below to sign up today!